Sunday 20 April 2014

Hoopoe Spotting 2014

Last year we managed our first photographs of the Hoopoe on the 12th April, this year it was the 17th.

As usual we heard them calling over in the wood with their distinctive hoop hoop hoop a week or so ago but no sightings until last Thursday. You can listen to it here

Not the best of photos as they were taken through a not so clean garage window...

Interestingly it is more or less in the same place as we photographed it last year. Is it the same bird? Do they remember where to find food in a particular location?

I would guess at it being the same one as last year... It does look older!

You can compare the photographs with last years here

A magnificent bird and we always enjoy watching them.


Pollygarter said...

Lovely pics! What a party raver that animal is. It's in fancy dress when everyone else is in suits.

Tim said...

Much better pix than last year...
sharper and more contrasty.

Put a WhoPoo nest box in one of your Ford Populars...
they might stick around.